Havana Brown facts!!!!!


a havana brown breed type !!!
In terms of history, the Havana Brown is a hybrid or man-made breed. This delightful self-chocolate cat is the result of carefully planned breeding for a specific genetic design. Documentation indicates that self-brown Siamesetype cats existed in England and Europe in the late 1800’s. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, mentions a “wholly chocolate-coloured strain of Siamese.” One name given to these self-brown cats was “Swiss Mountain Cat.” In the 1920’s, the Siamese Cat Club of Britain discouraged the breeding of any “but blue-eyed Siamese” and the breed was abandoned. In the early 1950’s, a group of English breeders worked together to produce a self-brown cat. The cats used were a black domestic and a seal or chocolate point Siamese. Reportedly, an occasional Russian Blue was also used. The name Havana Brown was used for the first time to describe the color genetics for self-browns. The first Havana Brown was imported into North America in the mid 1950’s. The breed was accepted for registration by CFA in 1959 and was granted Championship status in 1964. Records and old pedigrees reveal that some North American breeders introduced Russian Blues and Siamese into their early breeding programs. This practice came to an end when the breed was closed to outcross breeding in 1974.In England, the Havana has tended to follow the type of the Siamese and the word “brown” has been dropped from the breed name while breeders in North America have maintained the name and the look of the early imports. In 1998, in an effort to increase the gene pool, breeders received approval from CFA to open the breed to outcross breeding to unregistered black or blue domestic shorthairs or certain colors of Oriental Shorthairs. In 1999, approval was also received for the use of chocolate point or seal point Siamese with full Havana Browns. CFA’s 8th Best Cat in Championship for the 2004-2005 show season (the cat pictured on the front cover at the top of this pamphlet) is a product of the outcross program. This beautiful male, along with his achievement, is a true testament to the success of the program. What makes a Havana Brown unique? The first thing an admirer notices is the glistening mahogany-toned glossy brown coat. The coat is smooth, lustrous, closelying and feels like a luxurious mink. A rich, evenly colored shade of warm chocolate brown tending more to redbrown is desirable. Their other incomparable feature is the distinctive head that is slightly longer than it is wide. In profile, the prominent broad nose has a definite stop at the eyes. A pronounced whisker pinch combined with the strong square chin forms a somewhat rounded muzzle. Viewed from above or felt with the fingertips, the pronounced break in the bone structure behind each whisker pad is evident in good specimens. The enticing green, oval-shaped eyes in combination with large, forward tilted ears contribute to their alert sweet expression. Picking up a Havana Brown for the first time can be a surprising experience, as this lithe-looking cat weighs more than it appears. Its medium-sized body must be firm and muscular, exhibiting a sense of power, yet also exhibit elegance and gracefulness. Males tend to be larger than their female counterparts, usually weighing around eight to ten pounds, while the females average six to eight.